Maliya -362245(Gujarat) India

 +91 8849719008

Gujarat, India

+91 8849719008


Garlic Chopped

In Stock


processing method –  mature fresh garlic are washed, trimed, cut and dehydrated by passing hot air closed continuous system
Taste Typical of fresh garlic
Aroma Typical of fresh garlic
Moisture 6 % Max
Hot Water insoluble 20% Max
Ash Content 4% Max
Acid Insoluble Ash 0.5%
Major Defects 1% Max
Foreign Matter nil

Microbiological Data

Total Plate Count Max 150,000/g
Coliforms Ferms Max 10/g
E-Coli Negative in 1 g
Yeast and Mould Max 100 g
Salmonella Negative in 25 g
Bacillus Ceruse Max 10 / g
Staphylococcus Aureus Negative in 1 g
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